US-FDA Registartion
Manufacturer of Food, Drug, and Medical device requires US FDA registration for their facilities. US FDA Registration is only needed if you are planning to market your products in the USA. The FDA regulates many products that are intended for human consumption, including food and medical devices. In addition to registering your product with them, you will also need to comply with all other applicable laws and regulations in India.
Get A QuoteFSSAI Registartion
FSSAI is the organization that is responsible for the registering licenses of every food business operator (FBO) in India thereby regulating quality checks of food products and restricting the food adulteration and sale of substandard products. It lays down the rules and regulations for carrying food business in India and ensures the protection of public health. For those who are dealing with food-related businesses, they must have an FSSAI Registration certificate.
Get A QuoteCOMPANY Registartion
Company Registration Services Company where a group of members or we can say partners carry the same theme of business. Company is a legal entity that needs to register under the respective company act. These laws and regulations have played a vital role in bringing the business sector on the mark.
It is a legal document or certificate issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
(NSIC) Certification
National Small Industries Corporation Limited is a Mini Ratna government organisation established by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India in 1955 It falls under Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises of India.
NSIC facilitates Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises with a set of specially tailored scheme to enhance their competitiveness. NSIC provides integrated support services under Marketing, Technology, Finance and other Support service.
TRADEMARK Registartion
A certification trademark is "a mark capable of distinguishing the goods or services in connection with which it is used in the course of trade which are certified by the proprietor of the mark in respect of origin, material, mode of manufacture of goods or performance of services, quality, accuracy or other points.
Thus, the sole purpose of a certification trademark is to indicate that certain requirements set by the proprietor of the mark have been met.
A factory License acts as a document of approval given by authorities to carry out manufacturing and related activities. Factory license is compulsory for all manufacturing processes and establishments. The Factories Act 1948 makes it compulsory for every factory in India to abide by the stated rules and guidelines. The primary measure to be commenced during the establishment of a factory is registration, followed by which the licenses can be availed from the administration. we look at the method for obtaining factory registration.
Get A QuoteTRADE Licence
A Trade License is a Certification that mandatorily needs to be issued by any business or person for the purpose of carrying out any business in relation to the trading of goods and services. The issuance of this license is authorised under the applicable State Government in accordance with the specific Municipal Limit.
Get A QuoteISI Mark
ISI Certification is granted to corporations and products by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), which is the standardisation authority of India. ISI Certification certifies that the products delivered to the customers are safe and in adherence with all the quality and safety standards set by them. ISI certificate allows usage of standards mark such as, i.e., ISI Mark.
Get A QuoteBIS Registartion
A BIS registration certificate is granted to a manufacturer ‘A’ of that particular product ‘B’ being manufactured at site ‘C’ under brand ‘D’. In case any of the 4 factors change, a new application for a BIS certificate is to be applied with BIS. The product is first tested in a BIS certified lab and then is registered with the department with manufacturer name, address, brand name and type of product. Same manufacturer can produce for different brands.
Get A QuoteMPCB Registartion
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board was established on 7th September,1970 under the provisions of Maharashtra Prevention of Water Pollution Act,1969. Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) is implementing various environmental regulations in the state of Maharashtra, mainly comprising Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, Water (Cess) Act, 1977 and some of the provisions under Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 and the rules framed there under like, Biomedical Waste (M&H) Rules, 1998, Hazardous Waste (M&H) Rules, 2000, Municipal Solid Waste Rules, 2000 etc. MPCB is operating under the governmental control of Environment Department of Government of Maharashtra.
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